Zonta Club of Chatham-Kent Foundation offers awards to recognize young women who embody the spirit of Zonta: caring, confident, courageous, committed; and use their talent to enrich the lives of others.
Kiwanis Music Festival Bursary
Two awards are presented annually in the spring at the Kiwanis Music Festival. Recipients are chosen by the Festival Committee. The awards are presented in memory of past Zontians Eleanor Beardall-Alexander and Vera Fraser.
St. Clair College: Zonta Club Bursary
Annually, two full time students are awarded $750 towards their studies at the Chatham campus of St. Clair College. Students apply through their Student Information System (SIS) – selections are made in January. The Selection Committee is made up of faculty members from each area of study, staff from the Registrar’s Office and staff from the Foundation Office.